Jurisdiction of the Embassy

Residents of the Republic of Belarus” are provided with consular services at the Embassy of Pakistan Minsk.


  • Registration/Passport for a Newly Born Baby in Belarus
  • Registration of the Child as Pakistani Citizen

Following are the Requirements for the New Born Babies;

  • Children born to Pakistan National Parents (either father or mother) are eligible for Pakistani Passport.
  • Registration of a Child’s Birth must be done with the Embassy of Pakistan Minsk within three months after the birth. The Birth Registration Process can be seen on the following link.
  • http://pakemb.de/page.birth-registration
  • Children successfully registered with the Embassy will get form S-1.
  • After issuance of form S-1, NICOP must be applied online on the following link.
  • http://id.nadra.gov.pk/
  • Eventually, the passport will be processed upon issuance of NICOP/Smart card.
  • Further Documents required are;
  • Parents CNIC and copies
  • Visa and copies
  • Accompanied by father or mother.
  • Birth certificate and copy

* Please note that the Embassy of Pakistan, Minsk does not have an MRP facility, hence only manual passports can be issued.