Pakistan's Ambassador to Belarus, Sajjad Haider Khan, held a productive meeting with the Chairwoman of the Council of the Republic, H.E. Mrs. Natalya Kochanova, at her office in Minsk

On 16 February, Pakistan’s Ambassador to Belarus, Sajjad Haider Khan, held a productive meeting with the Chairwoman of the Council of the Republic, H.E. Mrs. Natalya Kochanova, at her office in Minsk. Also in attendance were the Deputy Chairman of the Standing Committee of the Council of the Republic on International Affairs and National Security, Mr. Valery Gaydukevich, and Deputy Head of Mission, Momin Aziz Qureshi.
During the meeting, the Chairwoman emphasized the importance of inter-parliamentary cooperation between Belarus and Pakistan. The Chairwoman also acknowledged the invitation received from the Chairman Senate to visit Pakistan in connection with the Senate’s Golden Jubilee Celebrations and informed that the Government of Belarus was working on finalizing level of participation.
Ambassador Khan and the Chairwoman discussed the need to expand bilateral trade relations. They emphasized the importance of resolving issues raised during the recent Joint Economic Commission held in Minsk from 12-13 January 2023. Additionally, the two sides highlighted the need for expanding relations between the two countries in diverse fields such as culture, education, pharmaceuticals, and health.
During the meeting, Ambassador Khan reiterated Pakistan’s view of Belarus as a friend and partner in the region. He also highlighted the elaborate mechanisms for expanding cooperation which existed in the form of over 80 bilateral Agreements/MoUs, Joint Economic Commission, and various Joint Working Groups and the ongoing efforts to revitalize them.
Lastly, Ambassador Khan and the Chairwoman discussed the importance of expanding cooperation in the fields of health and education. Ambassador Khan stressed the need for ensuring a transparent process for selection of genuine Pakistani students, who are keen to avail medical studies in Belarus, and noted that presently only 38 Pakistani students are studying in Belarusian universities.
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