Embassy of Pakistan Celebrates Urdu and Iqbal Day at Minsk University

Celebration of International Urdu Day and Iqbal Day at Minsk State Linguistic University
In celebration of International Urdu Day and Iqbal Day, the Embassy of Pakistan in Minsk, in partnership with Minsk State Linguistic University, hosted an event on November 9, 2023, at the University Campus.
Attended by approximately 100 students, teachers from the university, and members of the Belarusian Union of Writers, this event beautifully showcased Pakistan’s rich linguistic and cultural heritage.
Ambassador of Pakistan to Belarus Sajjad Haider Khan emphasized the significance of the Urdu language and the pivotal role played by various renowned poets and literary figures in the subcontinent over the past 400 years. He particularly highlighted the contributions of Dr. Allama Iqbal, also known as the poet of the East, for his immense impact on the development of Urdu and his role in the creation of Pakistan.
During the event, talented students from Minsk State Linguistic University showcased their skills by reciting iconic poems by Dr. Allama Muhammad Iqbal and the legendary Faiz Ahmad Faiz in both Russian and English. They also presented Pakistani musical and dance performances that beautifully demonstrated the fusion of cultures. The venue was adorned with Pakistani flags, art pieces, and Urdu books. As a delightful finale, guests had the opportunity to savor select Pakistani dishes.
Earlier today, the Ambassador and the Rector jointly inaugurated the permanent display center titled “Pakistan Language/Cultural Center (Urdu)” on the university campus. This center is equipped with around 100 Urdu books, coffee table books, artworks by prominent Pakistani artists, and photographs showcasing the scenic beauty of Pakistan. Additionally, it houses various artifacts, including truck art, handmade wall hangers, embroidered bags and wallets, brass miniatures, wooden vases, and more.
The Ambassador also expressed his gratitude to the university for establishing Center on campus and for facilitating the celebration of International Urdu Day/Iqbal Day.
The university’s Rector extended appreciation to the Embassy for its contributions to the establishment of the Cultural Center and the successful event, pledging full cooperation for future collaborative engagements.

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